Monday 2 April 2012

Dream's do come true..for now..

Hello there..

I just wanna share my feelings for today...AWW soo exciting bebeh
If u say "do i care about your feeling?".. please go to hell ok.. :) this is my blog agagaga....
just teasing u lahh.....please don't take hearts readers....i adore u very very much

But seriously if u don't care please....step away from my blog ........or i will find u and choke u to death in your dream MUAHAHAHAHA!!!!.
Again this is just a joke.. please don't lodged a police report or sue me...i'm broke enough right now haha

This was the 2nd happiest day of my life...
u may wonder why 2nd? why not 1st? is this dude doesn't know how to counts?? is he a nobbb? ...wat...wat...watefish!

Oh gosh peeps!...of coz lah  the 1st happiest day of my life is when i was borned into this world..daa
(credits to my mom who had to endure the labour pain and my dad who helped her...a lot!...... ) haha

ToDAy... i have received my offer letter..

u wanna see it?....TADAAA!!..

it says that i have been accepted into Culinary Arts programme conducted at the
******* University

here the picca

Culinary Art school the pro's and contra

- u can cook for your own wedding right?savecost maaaa
- gain weight easily..i need that a lot
- if  u(ladies) get husband stdying this course aaaa i tell u lah...wife sng bnyak loo haha
- wide range of job oppurtunities..i hope soo
- never hunger again hahaha except if u are too lazy to cook...
- get to eat so many kind of food waa yummy yummy yummy...
- bla bla blaa...

- must be patience....only the chosen one bebeh
- take years of practice to master the skill.....kena bertapa la weey..
- must cook for your(man) wife.................OH NOOOOO! haha
- must be borned with exceptionally skill.............we will know soon...
- risky...have to learn how handle so many kind of weapon(knife) a samurai bebeh
- eat to much?? darah tinggi maaa....haha

Soooo my next objective is to apply for MARA loan or PTPTN loan.....
hopefully i will get MARA loans if not my family will be DOOM and BROKE....and DOOM again haha..(mnx simpang laa)..
please pray for mee will u? tehee


Friday 30 March 2012

Compliment to Mr Theory

                                      Your blog are so nice and comforting Mr Theory

 Keep up the good work :)..THUMBS UP !

Wednesday 29 February 2012

hati yang bertsunami


If encik suruh saya ambil lesen keta saya bawak laa cara saya......................
saya usaha laa memandu sebaik mungkin.. ni x encik nak saya bwk cara encik "p kat hang la wey"
saya nak praktis bawak siang encik xdk kat rumah.......encik xbg saya bawak lam taman..praktis malam saja
encik complain saya bawak kereta kalut(BM tahap-5)...? saya sebenaqnya macam nak hawin(BM tahap-5) encik sahaja
encik kata encik mnx bantuan rakan encik....sbb tu boleh pass exam??
encik sila belok kiri dan terjun lombong la encik...kawan encik illegal jadah saya xnmpak muka,,,
encik kata sebab rakan encik berkuasa..saya lulus?? kawan encik itu digimonkah?? ka encik yg pokemon?
encik memantau sila senyap x encik duk suruh saya bawak kereta cara encik..kepala hotak encik berjambul
encik,enciklah...saya?sayalah....xkn encik nak saya memandu seiras encik?..encik ni mmg DERP la..
encik nak saya bwk mcm encik??sila terjun lombong kali ke-2...
saya sdg mngunakan bahasa yg indah sgt untuk tulis post ini......kalau saya tulis bahasa surat mnyrat tahap-5
sekejap lagi disumpah mnjadi kura kura pulak...

sekian..selamat maju jaya

MOOD ------------------>